White Birch Martial Arts

(330) 329-5990

Larry Vincent's Classes Get You Lean, Strong, Fast, and Focused with "Old School" Training Methods Straight Out of Kung Fu/Tai Chi History!
(oh yeah, he also offers Self Secure Self Defense classes!)

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Fitness Challenge

Winter 2007

Challenge Summary

This fitness challenge had incredible results for all the participants. This challenge was much shorter than previous challenges, half the duration. But in just those short 6 weeks, here's the average on how we improved.

Even though the participants averaged above and far above average in their current fitness levels, incredible gains were still made. Below are the point results for each individual participating in the challenge. I congratulate them all for their hard work!

Point Summary

For the White Birch Fitness Challenge, the participants undergo a fitness test at the beginning and end of the 6-week challenge. Points are earned based on their current level of fitness in the first test along 5 categories: Pushups, Sit-ups, Flexibility, Cardio-Recovery, and Body Fat Percentage. Initial points around 1200 are indicative of an average level of fitness regardless of the participant's gender and age. After 6 weeks, the students undergo another fitness test, where their improvement is measured in 6 categories, the 5 mentioned before and weight loss. Points are awarded according to the fitness gains the student makes. Total points are then converted to money with bonus money added from below. 100 points equates to $1.

Winnings Summary:
ParticipantFit Test 1Fit Test 2Total PointsPoint WinningsBonus WinningsTotal Winnings
Ralph1238 points353 1591$15.91 $5$20.91
Kristen2537 points0 2537$25.37 $5$30.37
Jennifer2447 points 8383285$32.85 $15$47.85
Tom1694 points110 1804$18.04  $18.04
April2072 points330 2402$24.02 $10$34.02
Gabe792 points340 1132$11.32 $10$21.32
Larry2106 points170 2276$22.76  $22.76
Amanda2499 points200 2699$26.99  $26.99
Lindsey2229 points183 2412$24.12  $24.12
Bobby2723 points380 3103$31.03 $15$46.03
==Average==2034 points 2902324 $23.24$6$29.24

Bonus money of $5 is awarded to the participants with the highest point total for a category (Fitness Test 1 + Fitness Test 2) and $5 for the participant who has shown the most improvement in a category (Fitness Test 2).

Bonus Winnings:
CategoryHigh Point WinnerMost Improved Winner
Heart RateGabeGabe
% Body Fat LostBobbyRalph
Weight LostAprilApril

Point Details

The points for each test are normalized for the participant's age and gender. Points can therefore be compared directly to determine the level of fitness for that test. Participants with a high level of fitness are expected to earn the bulk of their points in the first fitness test. Those with less fitness, but who have an easier time gaining fitness, will earn the bulk of their points in the second fitness test.

Fitness Test 1 Point Details
ParticipantPushupsSit-upsFlexibilityStep TestBody Fat %Total Points
Tom68444856200 1694

For the second fitness test, points are only earned for fitness gains above the Fitness Test 1 baseline.

Fitness Test 2 Point Details
ParticipantPushupsSit-upsFlexibilityStep TestBody Fat %Weight LossTotal Points
Ralph1200630170 0353
Kristen000000 0
Jennifer1801001384200 0838
Tom100000010 110
April20100505080 30330
Gabe08050110100 0340
Larry808000010 170
Amanda020500130 0200
Lindsey1002013500 0183
Bobby1601800400 0380

©Copyright 2007, Tien Shan Martial Arts